Thursday, April 21, 2011


Sports EP

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

don't stop get it get it

So I haven't been posting much, I know and am sorry but I picked up a second job to get some funds together so I can put something in the works which I have wanted to do for a long time. By the summer I should be back to making at least one post a day and will try to keep it limited to something I think is very unique and deserving of your attention, thanks for all the hits :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

BLONDES - "Hater" from PHIL LOGAN on Vimeo.

For the New Yorkers in the crowd, don't miss Blondes at Brooklyn Bowl on May 13th, I'll be there... what more do you need to know??

Friday, April 8, 2011

Here is some new beauty from Hatchback just in time for those wonderful nights spent outside wearing hoodies and staring at the stars.


Zeus And Apollo

Family Portrait

For real, this is one of the best bands making music at the moment, if you remember I posted their split with Andew Cedermark a while back which was phenomenal but only left us wanting more Family Portrait. Well our wishes have finally been granted and if we believed in god or gods we would believe that they are smiling down at us rocking out to these glorious sound waves that massage our ear drums just the right way.

Family Portrait

If this is something you like, I urge you to dust off your wallet and head over to Underwater Peoples and buy this

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Win Win, "Interleave (Kingdom Remix)"

Yess, I've been hoping for some Win Win remixes to start surfacing and no better to start than by Kingdom, dudes been really honing his sound lately and constantly shitting gold nuggets onto us.

Win Win, "Interleave (Kingdom Remix)" by The FADER