Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jar Moff

"Through current country-wide turmoil and frustration, visual + audio collagist Jar Moff comes to us (again) as a progressive artistic force from Athens, Greece. Jar is making about thirty hand-cut/torn ‘n glued CD-R packages for his new collection of found sounds, recorded live from his sp404 using 1980’s Greek sci-fi, horror, and avant-garde samples. A free download is below, but give him a shout via myspace to purchase a limited hand-made before they’re long gone."

Leaving Records

Listen/download (right click, save as)


  1. this is fucking excellent, just sent an email about getting one of those cdr's.

  2. yeah man, I was really taken aback when listening to this, just randomly stumbled across it as well.
