Wednesday, February 17, 2010


What are we doing?

This life seems so empty, what are we doing?
We are ruining this country /
this world,
no one speaks up,
no one cares
no one belives things can change.
We are the most jaded generation,
been there done that,
our motto of apathy.
Our exclamation of defeat, is that
someone else, someone who cares
will solve these problems
with one fell swoop.
But it is not true, it is up to us,
up to those who don't care,
up to the apathetic and unapologetic.
Fuck tonight, fuck our life,
its about whats right
not what's tonight.


  1. thanks, admittedly I was a bit drunk when I wrote this but honestly... when am I ever not a "bit drunk" lol.

    Again though, thanks for the kinds words.

  2. what are we supposed to do? what can anyone do? it's all out of control. it's hopeless.

  3. reminds me of a poem i wrote in my class the other day... i should post it somewhere sometime...
